How to Build HTML5 iPad Apps

Print this articleUsing HTML5, you can create your own Web app for the Apple iPad. Web apps use the iPad's built-in Safari Web browser to operate the app. HTML5 can be used in conjunction with CSS and JavaScript to create an endless variety of apps, including games. Users can save the app on their home page with your app's icon. They can also access the app offline if you code the app to cache the files in the iPad's memory.

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Select a program to use for building the app. Although you can use sophisticated Web design programs such as Adobe Dreamweaver, you can also use a basic text editor like Notepad to create HTML and CSS files.


Research Apple’s Safari Developer Library for tutorials and sample code. Code is available for many of the iPad features, such as “SlideMe,” as well as other HTML, CSS and JavaScript codes specifically for Apple iOS devices and for Safari in general.


Familiarize yourself with the standards and capabilities of HTML5, CSS and JavaScript for the iPad. Tutorials and sample codes are available in books from the library as well as from experienced developers in blogs and forums.

Designing the App1

Create a separate HTML page for every page on your app. Use HTML links to have users to move from one page to another.


Use touch events rather than mouse events on app pages to accommodate the iPad touch screen interface. For example, use “touchstart,” “touchend,” “touchmove” and “touchcancel,” rather than using mouse events.


Use “textarea” style attributes for areas where the user should enter text in the app. The iPad does not support the “contenteditable” attribute that computer Web browsers use.


Include the “
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