Beats Solo3 Wireless - iPhone 7 Headphones


There's one thing I haven't done in a very long time here on the channel, and that's make a video about Beats headphones. Now they're very popular, they've recently got purchased by Apple and that has all kinds of implications and that's the reason for this video right here But in general, these are very expensive headphones and they're not going to be for everybody That said, the Beats Solo3 Wireless are the first headphones available to take advantage of Apple's new pairing process Of course we'll be testing them out as well On the back here you can see wireless bluetooth, battery for 40 hours Five minute charging equals 3 hours of play Thats, I mean that's pretty good Special edition rose gold, look at this Very factory fresh inside Nice little carrying pouch a carabiner when
Jack was a kid his nickname was actually Beans so let's bring it back hit the
comments section say hello to Beans let's see how many
Beans we can get in the comments section. Ain't that right Beans. And then there's a cable you might want to use these with something other than an Iphone i like to
use them on the airplane and of course as you know there's no bluetooth to the
airplanes entertainment system and every so often you've got you've got a banger on there that you just need to watch.

Are you going to get there cheeseball
headphones they've got on the airplane or are you going to use your own. Anyway it's in there, unboxing experience A+ as usual, factory fresh smell on another level.
Look at that rose gold rep the rose gold folks For now these are the very first
ones that have this new streamlined wireless pairing process adjustable,
the earcups are on ear style Uh See you got a button there play pause,
this is where you connect your cable if you choose to go that route, here's your micro USB for charging it up
and here's your power indicator which shows that i've got full battery right
now and this guy is starting to flash assuming that it is ready to be paired
to a phone so LOOK. OH MY came righ- I didn't do- i do anything
unlocked to connect ok click there touch ID connecting done shows me the
battery life a hundred percent battery life and I'm done It's the little things so now if you're
using the same iCloud account across devices those devices now recognize the
existence of these headphones if it's a laptop, an iPad, an Apple Watch it all
interacts like a happy family. Let's test out the sound do have
soundcloud on here yet? Come on Lew man get your act together look
at that I got the robocop still on there I told you already Total Recall
Terminator, Bloodsport, Van Damme in the day DAHH! I need to tell you I need to do
something about the Beats thing here super popular then you got us people on
the internet and we're all like: "There are other headphones in the world in the
have you ever heard of Sennheiser and various other German names? Hahaha" Tech people just chill out a little bit of all right please, because what you're doing is you're
putting yourself in a silo and you're isolating yourself from the rest of the

The rest of the world is complicated just like everywhere else in life. Perception is reality there's marketing
there's endorsements this all it's a whole package. You don't walk up to some woman with
Gucci bag and slap it out of there and go: "You could have been carrying a
shopping bag" This is a package deal and in reality if
you want a certain image you always pay for that image branding its
sophisticated if LeBron James has the headphones on for years it matters. That is going to affect
perception maybe my coffee was extra strong today.

Okay! I feel like this product, the Beats brand
it's not as good as people think but it's not as bad as people think if you
know what I'm saying there's an accentuation on the low end. They're
expensive that i will agree with you on the ease of connectivity that's going to
be meaningful to people it's going to be valuable to people. Stop harassing people
who wear rose gold headphones, they're enjoying themselves just like you can
get lost in his role rose gold solos. Right leave me alone..

Beats Solo3 Wireless - iPhone 7 Headphones



- (Lapping microphone)
- Ewww, hell no! (Drill whirring)
- My teeth hurt and I don't know why!  (Industrial intro)  - (FBE) Today, we're doing
a Try Not To challenge. - Oh, no. Have
I already failed? Try Not to Breathe challenge. - (FBE) It's a challenge we've done
once with the college kids, but they didn't really enjoy it.

- Well, now I don't like that preface.
I like enjoying things. That's one of my
favorite things to do. - (FBE) It's a Try Not to Take off
Your Headphones challenge. - Ugh, god! It's a good thing I'm partly deaf.

- (FBE) If you take your headphones
off at any point, you're out for that video,
but you're brought back for the next one. You can't pull the headphones
away from your ears, slide one off,
or adjust the headphones at all during the video.
- Okay, so if I touch them, I'm out. - These things are a weapon now. - It's already making me

I'm the one that usually makes
other people uncomfortable. - (SpongeBob) So, yeah, I'm a kid,
and I'm also a goofball and a wing nut--
- Come on, SpongeBob! - Why would anyone
take their headphones off for this? - What is going to go
wrong with SpongeBob? - (Parroting) "I'm... I'm..."
- (Pirate) What the scallop?! - (Spongebob, loudly)
I'M A GOOFY GOOBER. - Oh, my god.

- (SpongeBob) I'M A GOOFY GOOBER.  (Blaring rock music)
- That's loud!  (Blaring rock music)
- That doesn't count. I was rocking.
That does not count! That does not count!
(Buzzer) - This is not hurting me at all.
Am I deaf?  (Blaring rock music)  -  Goofy, Goofy, Goofy Goober
- (laughing) That was easy. Come on! - I can deal with that one.
SpongeBob's the best.

- That sounds like a lot of things
I've listened to voluntarily. I blew my head off
listening to punk bands as a young lady. - I was not bothered by that at all,
not even a tiny bit. Oh, my god! I'm going
to the doctor.

- (Lapping microphone) - Ewwww, hell no! - What is he doing?! - No. No. - Ew. - That's [bleep] gross.

- (Licking sloppily)
- Okay, uh-uh. Ugh.
(Buzzer) - Why are you doing those eyes, man? - (Huskily whispering gibberish)
- (laughing) - Who is this man?
Why does he do this? - That one was really annoying. - It wasn't pleasant.
It reminded me of my dog.

- No, thank you. It was just goosebumps down my spine. (Drill whirring)
- Oh, no! - Oh, no! - I hate the dentist so much! - ARGH, I HATE IT!
My teeth are so [bleep] up. - Nuh-uh-uh.

Arghhhhh. No, thank you!
(Buzzer) - (laughing uncomfortably) (drill whirring) - Oh, okay. You start
feeling it in your teeth. (Buzzer) - My teeth hurt and I don't know why! - This is actually pleasing.

I feel someone's getting clean. - I hate the dentist.
I HATE it. - I'm scared of dentists.
That's my worst nightmare.

- That noise is very,
very, very upsetting. - You hear it, but then you hear it
grinding in something else, and that's the part
you're like, "Aaaah!" I feel like it's just like
that tingling in your teeth. (Cracking bones) - Oh, that is very satisfying, actually. - Oh, yeah, that feels good.

- I could do yoga to this. (Cracking knuckles) - My friend likes
to watch these videos. - (Groaning) I love that sound. Oh, god, it's so awful
to watch, though.

- Oh, my god.
How long is this video? - (Chiropractor) A quick little bump.
(Cracking bone) - Oh! (Bones cracking) - (chiropractor) Good girl.
(Bone cracking) - OH! I'm like, "Is she dead?!" - I ask my boyfriend to crack
my back like that every night. - I love being able to do that.
Are you kidding me? It's so satisfying. - A few of those were kind of brutal,
like, really crack-a-lacking.

- (Yodeling) (blaring yodel) - Oh, god. - Poor yodel kid. - This is nothing like the trap remix. (Yodeling continues) - Yeah, I just don't want to listen.
(Buzzer) (yodeling continues) - I'm not gonna
put myself through that.

(Buzzer) (yodeling continues) - Yeah, it's easy. (Laughing) - (FBE) You lost!
- I don't think so-- - (FBE) Because
you muted the computer. - Hold on, you didn't say
that I couldn't. You said don't take off
your headphones.

- (FBE) And you
can't mute the computer! (Buzzer) - I can't believe he performed
at the Grand Ole Opry and Coachella. (Yodeling continues) - Okay, well, that's just obnoxious. - That was probably the worst
in terms of physical pain, where it's like I don't
want to be here anymore. - I have to go through
so much as a teacher and ignore so much.

I think at that, I have
a little leg up on the competition. (Cat hacking) - What is happening? - Oh, he has a hairball. My cat did this this morning! - (Groaning) - (groaning) - Oh, my god! (Gasping)
That is so gross! Can I just be out?
Like, I'm-- yeah. Nope.

(Buzzer) - I don't like these at all. Okay, no. Oh, I failed!
(Buzzer) (cat hacking)
- Oh, it's doing it again? - Gross, man! (Cat hacking)
- Oh, that's so sad! Awww. - I understand why the college kids
didn't like doing it.

- I have cats and friends
that throw up a lot, so either end
of the spectrum, I'm fine. - I feel nauseous after that one. - The sound of it,
it makes my stomach feel weird. - Cats throwing up, I mean,
I'm very amused by that because screw cats.
I hate cats.

(Gunfire) (cocking rifle) (scraping fork against plate)
- (gasping) I hate that sound! - Nope. No way!
(Buzzer) - That's the one thing. That's the one thing I can't do.
(Buzzer) - Oh, yeah. - All right, this doesn't bother me.

- I always do that
to bother my brother. He hates it. - A-ha, I'm fine.
I don't even care. - Also, I'm not the guy that-- oh.
(Scraping continues) Maybe it's the long
one that's bad.

- That's a tough one.
It's always just not pleasant. - I live with people
that don't necessarily care about the scraping fork,
but it is a problem for me. - I'm holding it together. - Keep coming because
I'm not gonna lose this challenge.

(Smacking lips) - Is this supposed to be ASMR? - (Gagging) So gross! - (Woman) Love you.
- (Chuckling) - (woman) Kisses.
- Oh, no! She made it weird. - (Woman) Kisses.
- No. I did not ask for this. - Like, what's wrong with you?! (Smacking lips)
- Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! - How uncomfortable
would it be to film this? - I'm fairly certain people
would pay money for this video.

- Ugh! That was so uncomfortable. - No. No kisses.
That was gross. - (Whispering) Kisses, kisses.

Like, I was not asking for this. - Why is she recording that? That's for somebody with a fetish. - (FBE) You didn't
lose at all. You won.

- YEAH! (Grunting) I'd do it again just to see
if you can get me to rip off my headphones. - Yeah. I don't know. I just don't get bothered.

- That was easy. If I know it's only going to be
for a short amount of time, I can get through it. - Oh, my god!
That was a challenge? I can see how people
might get grossed out, just by the sound of vomiting,
but if that was a human being vomiting and gagging,
I would probably want to rip off the headphones, too,
but when it's a cat, I mean, it's just so cute.
You just want to take care of it. - The different feeling
you don't get all the time, so-- yeah, I'd definitely do it again.

I like horror movies. I like things that
make me uncomfortable, so I'm still going home
happy and satisfied. - I want to win. I loved these episodes
because I really want to win.

I want to win the Try Not to Laugh. I want to win the Try Not to Cry.
I want to win all these. It's just so hard because you guys
choose such good videos. - Thanks for watching
this episode of Adults React.

Shout-out to Berna N. - Want to see more Try Not To's?
Hit the subscribe button. Shout-out to AJ The Gamer. - What should we react to next?
Let us know in the comments.

- Bye, guys! - Hi, guys, JC here,
a producer here at FBE. Thanks so much for watching
this episode of Adults React. Make sure to check us
out on Instagram at FBE. To get more of the reactors
and more staff.

The links are down below. Bye, guys..


11- (.)


Hallelujah and glory to god we thought you'd like to see a part of our Indian family and you're absolutely right you know jesus said go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature well we can't go into all the world and preach the gospel but with a modern technology of today we can bring people here and let them over job our video tape and then send those videotapes back and we can preach the gospel in their own country standing in front of me is are the three people who did the hindi-language for us this is healthy and I want you to say what you feel you say for me say how they do you so they'll know what my voice is going to sound like over there and then they go into all the world and preach the gospel in your native language would you do that hi no yeah backpack happened Danny jacket system like that could it's a really wonderful you didn't know i was so close i should have ducked behind your interests and then you got it with me and over here is this one is child's voice and John and then believe it or not all of you have seen dr. Leave right on videotape and you already resulted in this but this is dr. Lieber is indeed the Indian are in the indian hindi a language and then standing over here by Charles we have the people who did the the overdubbing in the Tamil language and so when you hear us in the Tamil language this is what will sound like that watch out i'm going to hide behind your so I want you to know that this is what you'll hear in the Tamil language hi Eileen do ya say views that go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature in the end tamil 11111 played by listening and I'm going to avoid that addresses the sneaking suspicion that thing again how you didn't know I could do so where did you all right well these were the ones that's like that do the part of Charles and Francis center and how grateful we are that God is putting people in our path who can take this message all over the world because that's exactly what's happening to it it is going all over the world well as you go back to your native language land we wish you well and we just ask God's greatest blessing upon you hallelujah night and if you can just realize just this one little scene is multiplied all over the world until we're we're approaching eighty percent of the world on the time that they tried to build our way up to God trying to get the heaven we have about building a tower man-made the idea of getting to heaven and God separated language and said confusing upon the earth and now here in just a short time about a year's time there are representatives such as you're seeing and John and tired here now in the Tamil language just in India alone now will be speaking in the native language of some 800 million people that's a huge chunk of the earth and the chinese-language about 1.4 Billion people and mandarin and cantonese now Pakistan Ian language from about 40 million people i believe and that's the urdu language and it gets into India and so just spreads all over kuliah Japanese Russian Albanian and on and on and on into the other parts of the world and that's where God is taking now the simple message is so important all the world and I'd like for Nelson to say something for the office here with my voice make ya say jesus said go into all the world and I'm ready he just ran out of lemon balm that none of the guys that might occur in like me bless you that we want to share how easy it is for you to go in the world and for you to heal the sick Alexander Alleluia and I say this has been a lot of fun because you know as I'm standing here at the Bible in front in front of me open to the 16th chapter mark which I read that practically every service we have and i want to read it for you again because I think maybe I. Having these people from India hear from two different sections of india will really make this come alive in your life more than it ever has before jesus said the 16 chapter mark gold in all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he believes is baptized will be saved but he who does not believe will be condemned and these signs will follow them that believe you know I get so excited when I.

Realized that Jesus said these signs will follow them that believe sign number one he said in my name and remember if that name that's above every other name is that that name that every meat has to bow and every time has to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father and you know the days of you and i are living in when people are learning that there is power in the name of jesus and i have never believed more than I do today in the power that is in that wonderful name now jesus said in my name there would be many things that you would do he didn't say I'm going to ask you to do this he said if you're a believer you would he said those who believe will have signs and wonders following them sign number one he said in my name they will cast out Devils you know that's a sign of a believe it when you see somebody casting out a devil that's the sign of a believer because he said believers all would cast out Devils he didn't just say apart he said all would cast out devils and then sign number two is something that I am so grateful that I learned is a sign and a wonder jesus said signs and wonders will follow the believers sign number two is they will speak with new comes the baptism with the Holy Spirit you know I thought for years that the baptism with the Holy Spirit was a subject of controversy that everybody argued that we either believe you spoken talk that we did we believe it was of the devil and i'm sure you can tell which side I used to be on because I. Thought the tongue for bad i thought those pinnacle two lyrics are just terrible and then I discovered that Jesus said no tongues is not a subject of controversy tongues is a sign and a wonder that every believer will have when you speak incomes it is a sign and a wonder to the entire world and he said every believer will speak with new tongues of course unbelievers phones but every believer will and then he said and this is all in his name he said you will speak with new tongues he said that in his name they shall they shall take up serpents they drink anything deadly it's not going to harm them and you know I. Think if you've heard me before and I. Know you have you wouldn't be at this part you will know that Jesus did not mean for us to go out and pick up snakes and rattlesnakes and things like that but you have to remember that he said all power all power all power in heaven and earth is given unto me and then he said behold I give it to you I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and just what he said over all the power of the enemy and he said nothing shall by any means harm you nothing you see first he said it's given me and then the secret of the Christian world is giving away so he said now I.

Give it to you he says give it to me i have pretty received it so i give it to you and now beloved can I tell you something you have freely received so it's up to you to freely give it away as well so he said all parts giving me now i give it to you but he didn't give us that power to sit on he gave us that power to use wherever we go there is power in the name of jesus and he said you can pick up that old devil and that yet old serpent the devil and you've got more power than he has and then he said if you drink anything deadly it's not going to harm you now again that doesn't mean to go out and drink some filthy polluted water but the love and I believe with my heart and soul if when you're out there on the mission beer do my god telling you to do it don't make a difference what you drink your if you don't have perfect water to drink you can drink anything deadly and it's not going to hurt you that for the word of God said Charles I are certainly living proof of that having been over the South Pacific a few years ago but the 11 words that Jesus said the last words he ever said are the ones that so totally turned me on because of what i see happening around the world today jesus said every believer everyone and that means y.O.U he said every believer will lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover that's a sign and a wonder that's going to follow every believer and you know the people that you just saw from India here they're taking these videotapes back to India they're going to teach the people over there exactly what we talked to you in the first series of videotapes and you know what's going to happen over there that same miracles are going to happen over there as happened when you took that training and you learned how to heal the sick because beloved this is God's message for the hour just without the down is God's message for the hour and there is no church there's no denomination there is no pastor there is no group there is no person who's going to stop what God is doing today and you know jesus said these signs and wonders and miracles will follow the believer now i just want to share something with you because i want to show you might say well how can that possibly work at their overdubbing your boys and they're taking to your face and their voice back to India does it really work yes it does yes it does it works wherever we go because I want to share something with you that happened to us down in Brazil now we had our tapes lip-sync into the Brazilian line into the Portuguese language which is the language of Brazil now there we were same faith but we're speaking Portuguese and I don't know a single solitary word of Portuguese but you see when you have an anointed person do them the same anointing that flow through you will flow through them and the same effect will be had on the people who listen thousands of miles away well we set our video tapes and our book down to Brazil in their own language this is the interesting thing we have never been on the radio down there we have never had a television program down there we have never had our books our video tapes down there until adjust about one month before we went to Brazil and so when we went down there we really didn't know what to expect I mean you know you think while God we're going to have a thousand or should we be thankful for 500 or should we be thankful for 200 you know you never know when you go into a foreign country how have they received your particular type of teaching on video are they going to think these are Americans are way off the wall where they going to think well we discovered the answer to that when we got down to our first meeting explosion in Brazil which was in the northern part of the Amazon River in a town cause mm and when we went there the first night I'm not kidding we really went with fear and trepidation because we were thinking how many God are going to be here it's finally a child I decided we were thinking real baby and so we said God how about 5,000 and then I said you know God if you really want to give us a double portion give us ten thousand and I thought that was thinking above and beyond anything that I was capable of remembering of course that were not world-famous like a lot of people are and yet somehow another God's Holy Spirit has a way a remarkable way of doing things so we got to our first healing explosion could hardly believe what we saw when we walked in every seat in the stadium was filled then they come to us with the exciting news that there are 35,000 people locked outside the gate I said you've got to be kidding is all 25,000 of the United States and I. Said we certainly didn't come to Brazil to lock people out so I said open the gates and let them in they said well we put them to the more seats left who cares about seat honey when God is moving and God wants a change in Asia let's don't be tacky and worried about sees so I said bring them and let them stand on the soccer field well I have a jam that soccer field from wall to wall I never saw people that looks so much like started to use it all my life they were all just pressed together jam being so tight that it didn't look like there was it was just absolutely no way that you could move to even do anything in crowd and from wall to wall in the stadium so I'm not really really sure what I said but I I probably just said a few things like God is here and god's healing powers here and God wants to heal you and and then we decided it just seemed like the Spirit of God was saying go ahead Minister salvation and Minister the baptism with the Holy Spirit first of all because I know it's a lot easier for people to get healed once they get saved once they get the baptism with the Holy Spirit now there was no way we could bring them forward because they were as forward as it could get there was how the whole field was just filled out so i just had everybody in the stadium pray a sinner's prayer and then having read to them from the Portuguese Bible what I just read to you I said now you remember jesus said that every believer without exception would speak with new comes and I said remember that's a sign of wonder i said it's not a subject of controversy and as I always say if you think it is if you because you say well my church done believe and I we say cuff God does because he's the one that invented tongues so I said how many of you do not speak in other tongues by this time we had somewhere between fifty and sixty thousand people in the stadium and so I said well maybe you do not speak incomes I could hardly believe my eyes as I looked all over the place because at least eighty percent of the hands were raised they did not speak with other tongues i thought surely they didn't understand what i said so I had the interpreter repeated and he repeated it and again the same hands went out so i said how many of you would like to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speak in other tongues again another eighty percent raise their hands which meant a minimum of forty thousand people saying i want to receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit well Charles began to administer the baptism of the holy spirit that's when you get to a certain point he always says 123 now any and he says that he tells everybody begin to begin to speak in a new language not in any language that they know now this is a real interesting thing you know I really hate to say this but in the United States on your minutes with the baptism with the Holy Spirit and this is the way people use the starting I don't care you said pray loudly they'll all go like this selfie under my cushy act cool with the mystic internships and they just disappear into nothing and if you can get them to pray for 60 seconds and telling if you're really doing real good most of the time when they started that they just let the devil come in you know and they let the devil talk to them in the devil would say that let your voice and you're just making silly little sounds of things like this but you guys for their nice are those who when you begin to speak in tongues when you begin to speak in tongues other than your native language or any other than any language that you know that is the same power of god that's coming in to you that's the same resurrection power that brought the Lord Jesus Christ out of the grave this isn't just a silly little thing where you don't return neck and then that's the end of it this is the power of God that resurrection power that brought Jesus Christ on the grave and you know what I'm so glad I'm so glad that they believed me when I said that because you see they began to think if I began to speak in other tongues i'm going to have within me that same power that raised the lord jesus christ on a great and they got excited and so when child when we got the point with Charles that line 23 now I'd ever heard he thinks a lot in my entire life if there's a connection that you look at it looks high know about Cora makeup I. Never heard him I pray so loud in x box remember this isn't just a little group of a hundred up here it's not the 40,000 who said they wanted to receive its the 40,000 plus to 20,000 so you have 60,000 people praying in tongues at one time him do you have any idea of the volume that is great i tell you there was it was just like a clap of thunder when they all began to pray in tongues at one time because it was so loud I really thought that there was thunder and lightning someplace or another and then I discovered it was just a power of God's Holy Spirit and you know what they didn't stop they didn't stop after of one big loud birth they just kept on and they kept on and kept God and I look at child I said honey we just lost it he says I know what do you think we lost we lost the whole service and I knew it I knew it instantly that there was no way that we would ever get the service back so I. Could be honest with you I didn't want to do and so I look at jobs i said he can't beat them join them and so the two of us raise our hands on that cross and I got hotel Mia and I mean we just begin praying in tongues as loudly as we could well we pray for quite a while and they didn't show any signs of slowing down you know and I thought what do we do now so we just kept on praying and and so all of a sudden I thought well I just raised my hand you know like this and and I'll they'll know that I mean be quiet but they talk if I was radium so this way back at me and they think we're waiting back at me that means that there's a bunch of great loud so they continue to break louder and louder and louder so Charles that we can do the bus so we justwe back and then we displayed louder and louder and louder and all the time thinking god what are we going to do now it was just like God said you don't have to do anything i'll take the whole thing and take care of it is exactly what he did beloved because while all this loud praying in tongues with going on all of a sudden we heard a scream we run the side there came an empty wheelchair that people were all jammed so tightly together that there was no way they could move so the supernatural and a Power had done a sovereign act around that side of the stadium and someone had been healed and as a sign of their healing they passed up the empty wheelchair over the top of the crowd that they're beyond a robot you but that goes beyond so hollow the sudden I looked out there and you know what there was an empty stretcher and empty stretcher was coming and it came out the wheelchair then came another wheelchair been a stretcher and then pretty soon it began setting up crowd crutches and braces and walking sticks and then another wheelchair I have never seen nor have I ever felt the power of God like I.

Did standing there in that open air sucker field in the limb brazil the first time we've ever been to Brazil but God's Spirit is moving all over the world well we stood there just all rejoicing I. Meet I never had to be realized with you on everything so confusing in my whole life I mean all these people are are there still speaking in tongues and everybody's hollering everybody yelling and of course we can't understand anything they're saying and all of a sudden Charles and I were totally deserted everybody ran over to the side of the stage and they're all ecstatic and they were all yelling and carrying on and finally we got ahold of an interpreter to come and tell us exactly what all the excitement was about and all they said was look at the orange shirt and then in English I heard my son-in-law boys say look at the orange shirt so he must've told him what to do well I thought momentarily is that like you know expressions we have up here about waiting the red flag I thought maybe an archer had something to do with that but as I can't look away at that part of that side of the soccer field I. Saw a man in an orange shirt and he was running and he was running just as fast as he could possibly run and then pretty soon there may be like 50 people started running and the only place that you can run was immediately next to the stadium all there was maybe a little place in there five or six feet where there would be enough room for somebody to run and so he began running running running running running running running and all the city began to be joined by all these other people and such commotion you never heard in your entire life that was such rejoicing it was just absolutely and just absolutely tremendous but we all keep watching because we knew that it had to be something special about this so we watch them all the way around and when he got around clothes nothing came up on the stage and hug child and then he hugged me and he said I'm not even saved and God healed me he was so surprised that God would look down on a sinner and in his love and His grace and His mercy that God would heal him of course the I knew that God healed centers because jesus said if you don't believe me because of the words I say they believe me because of the miracles that you see me do and so you see I knew that God did that but when I heard what was the problem with the boy that really turned me on he had been in an automobile accident he had severed his spinal cord and of course as you well know that makes you a paralytic and so he was sitting over in the chair totally paralyzed in this wheelchair from the waist down and when all this while praying and tongue was going on the power God sovereignly came right down there and gave him a brand-new spine brand-new spine you see why i believe today that there is power in the name of jesus because throughout that what drop this whole time other pregnant and we're praying in tongues I'm saying there's healing in the name of Jesus Jesus wants to hear you and I. Between us over and over again every time you say the name of Jesus there is power that goes out not only that i want to tell you something else to do you realize that when you have 60,000 believers standing there together and in the stands each one of them has a force field of power that goes out so can you imagine 60,000 force fields of power in one soccer field all going out to touch people and to heal and to save and to baptize with the Holy Spirit and to deliver them from demons you know that they brought several children up on the stage age and the children were screaming at the top of their lungs I mean screaming at the top of their lungs and I said to somebody why are they screaming so and then they told me a very interesting story these were deaf mutes can you imagine being deaf all your life I see the kids already eight nine ten years old some of that bracket can you imagine being deaf all of your life and all of a sudden the first sound that you ever hear is 60,000 people praying loudly and tongues you back can you imagine the impact of that handles children but they were totally healed by the power of God I understand that night that there were dozens of deaf children who were totally healed while we were all praying in tongues now you know god never called you to a foreign from but then again he made you may be all well I'm how the Angelus like you are well 22 years ago I want an evangelist either i was a wild the center that you ever met your whole life and you know I somehow another could couldn't help but feel as I stood there that great night oh what a beautiful that was the moon was out just a full moon was just gorgeous and I stood there and I was so thankful to God I said thank you lord thank you Lord that you've brought me up out of thin and bondage and yet you can use these 49 years awhile center and yet God chose to use me in such an exciting way to God will do that for me God will do that for you you see maybe your ministry will never be overseas but then maybe it will maybe God will send you over to India where these people today came from maybe all over there you have 200,000 lot more than knighted because you see God doesn't care who you are as long as you are available you know his ability is limited only by your availability what he wants to do in the world is limited not by his power but your willingness to go into doing to believe that you can do that you can use the name of Jesus and that miracles will happen well you know what I can guarantee you that when we left there we were on the movie i started to say i don't know where we were i think around in our space and place another all of us when I.

Get there are 13 units that went along we were so excited because we had seen a move of God like we have never seen all of our life but I want to tell you this after Charles and Francis left the arena the miracles didn't stop they took us out knowing that as long as we stayed there the people would look to us as individuals for healing but we told him that the heating dreams had been trained down there through a video and so the anointing of God was on them and after we left children with cerebral palsy were healed the lame walk people got out of wheelchairs and that was the most exciting stories that I heard back was that a child was brought that have an open skull and when two little ordinary believers just like you laid hands on them that child's skull instantly closed up they had told the parents that he would probably be retarded all the life his life because of that open skull and yet you see God chose to use a believer to do a miracle hundreds and thousands of miracles went on after we left the stadium because God is using the ordinary believer today in ways that they never dreamed it was possible well if you can imagine we would also bear we just had all kinds of of I don't really know what was in our hearts I guess we're thinking we're not God would you ever do that again as we went on to the second city and i'll give you the name just because I know how to pronounce that didn't before then but we went to a town called going on us which is in through the central part of the great nation of Brazil and we really wondered would God do it again I'm what we have another crowd would they be as excited with the same miracles happen and I believe what happened there is a thing that convinced me of the power that's in the name of Jesus more than anything that I've ever done before because once again as we mentioned Minister the baptism of the Holy Spirit we saw with eighty percent of the people hungry for the power of God in their life and once again Charles administered as we minister they began to speak in comes we saw the supernatural power of God again begin to move because this is what God is doing all over the world today because i believe with my heart and soul that we are living in the very end times and so once again we saw these wheelchairs come over the top and it and the empty crutches and the empty canes are walking sticks and that the stretchers and for some reason or another i have no idea why I did this and I think if i had not what's going to happen i probably would have done it at all but I was just impressed with the Holy Spirit because i've seen so many demon possessed people there you know in a in a land where there's a lot of witchcraft and there's a lot of evil spirits and ancestral Christmas coming down the line it's hard to believe but when you see these bodies that are all warped and racked with pain and so hopelessly crippled you know that this is strictly the work of the devil so because i believe in the power that's in the name of Jesus I got up and I said very enthusiastically now devil i bind you write down by the spirit of the Living God in the name of Jesus you foul tormenting spirits i command you to come out right now in Jesus name no I thought that was very good segment make because the Bible says that there is power in the name of Jesus you know sometimes I don't think we realize how much power there is in the name of jesus because these demons began manifesting themselves and they get going out and people that you just think it's black cloud just coming up just coming out of people all over the place there was tremendous deliverance that night but then a very interesting thing happen way over on that side of the soccer field we were just like the field again where that type of soccer field I heard a scream and so I looked over there and i tell you i saw the most demon possessed person I've ever seen in my entire life she looked absolutely why older here with wild and and as far away as i was you could see that wild look and even though they were jammed in there that I've often said like cans of Vienna sausage with everything kind of the end of thought that you know how hard it is to get that little middle being a sausage other people couldn't move because they were so jammed in there so tightly together but when this demon possessed woman start down that aisle you better believe that they started moving because there was a little past that was cut therefore and i'll tell you why because she came down like a whirling dervish she was just twirling as she came and as she came up if anybody got in her way I don't care how figure how little you were you have to remember that demon possessed people have supernatural strength so here comes the demon-possessed woman she really wasn't very big and she gets a hold of one manager goes go and just throws him over there and then she twirled around the other way and there's another one so she picks amigos do and she throws him over there well I thought we got to get this situation under control so i said as loudly as I could as loudly as i thought was necessary I said David I need you in the name of Jesus now you file tormenting spirit come out of her in Jesus name you know what then say that Devil a bit because about 20 feet closer I looked I. Thought aloud nothing that Devil I don't say that again so I thought maybe that little devil happened here you have to allow despite the louder the ball behind you right now in the name of Jesus and by the power of God you found single-speed come on over the name of Jesus you have to double feel kept coming would you believe that shit i had used the name of Jesus another three times first time generally the second two times individual and that devil is coming about 30 feet culture i thought a lot better say something again so once again i repeat those words and that name that's above everything and I. Said not devil i bind you in the name of Jesus I. Thought I took the floor because maybe the double-talk Portuguese and I said my English so I said devil i bind you in the name of Jesus and by the power of God's Holy Spirit now you found think that will come out of her in the name of Jesus you know what that it stays that people at all I repeated it several times until all of a sudden the woman is probably 30 feet away by this time the situation is getting tense they we're on an 8-foot stage and they pulled us stairs up on the stage so that demon possessed woman couldn't get up there and I guarantee this by this point everybody is on the back of the stage except my husband and me so I look over this when I thought I'd better be a little more emphatic with it because we're not getting across we're not getting the message they're solid meet again very energetically and very enthusiastically and very logic you file thinking devil in the name of jesus that I think everybody the name Jesus another time to be sure that I be sure that you're in the name of Jesus you come out right now in Jesus name look at the devil 20 feet away i want to tell you this that's too close for comfort so that's much the globe for comfort so I thought well I didn't really get through the attics I think you found something that will come out of the name of Jesus now she's only 15 feet away I said it again is usually typically now let's stop right here and i want to clarify something because i think this is very interesting there comes a moment in a situation like this when side thousand thoughts can come into your head in one split second did you know that five thousand thoughts in your head now here with my first ones so i want to get behind Charles and that he protect because the husband is supposed to protect his life so I.

Remember fast and get behind him you have to be honest I really thought flickered in my mind but I didn't let it stay there because when you're standing there is an Oracle of god you better know that the authority that's in that meeting is vested in you at that particular moment and I pass the microphone to Charles we would have lost the whole service but that little flicker in my mind what about a run real fast and get behind child and hide behind him and then a second thoughts flickered in there and all the devil would have loved for me to believe this one because for a split second I thought the Bible says that the name of Jesus is above every other name is not working dog now got that one is getting too close if he all these thoughts can come into you in just one but weekly of a notch real fast little thought right that's it another thought that floated in my mind was a very interesting one many many years ago I heard dr. Lester Sumrall talk about a woman in the Philippines that was bitten by devils and everybody else was scared silly no doctors are all just walked right in there and also if he can do it so can i buy this time the woman is right at my feet I had stepped over to the edge of the stage now I'm smart enough to know that that woman was that power that demonize power but shitting right upset eight-foot wall and could clobber me into a million pieces do you run No you see I either believe in the power that's in the name of Jesus or better quit preaching so now this woman is standing directly below me and the loudest voice I think I've ever had in my entire life I said devil I designs you right now but the Spirit of God in Jesus name you follow think a devil shut up and what I said to work shut up i really yelled out that time but something else happened way over here I heard a screen and for one moment I looked up when you're directly with the devil you should never look up but I looked up nevertheless because i heard this screen and along with that scream came another empty wheelchair wanna hear their story you have to come back like the next hour no no no I'm only kidding you because I. Will tell you the rest of story right now I look back and the woman's not there where'd she go I couldn't hear any place that I wonder what happened to her because it's just that split second I. Walk when i looked up after i had said you demon shut up there was no crazy woman standing down there and i thought i would have to her so when the service was over I asked or three people and you know sometimes people who love to wrestle with the devil and you don't believe in the power that's in that name that's above every other name like to tell fancy story so I.

Had hold of 3030 our pastors to get her off and she was biting and kicking and scratching and that's the way i went back to the hotel that night but you later wake that and all at night and I. Could say god that's not what your word says that's not what your work says your word says that the name of Jesus is about every other name God surely it worked it wasn't failure with a god well we went through the rest of Brazil and we saw all kinds of wild exciting things happen but always in the back of my mind with that little thought what happened that night what failed that night that the name of Jesus did not get that animal out well we're gonna be on the cover of charisma magazine and prevent called me and they said we would like to have a crowd shock of your Brazilian meeting so they could get outside sure and I want to make sure that i got the right picture in there so I personally went to wear our file of Brazilian pictures was and I took them all out and so I got to a certain place where there's a lot of crowd shots and I laid one down here and when I looked I thought it was a crowd for that demon possessed woman with way back then i looked at picture number two and now the demon-possessed woman is not closer and then i looked at picture number three number four number five in each picture you can trace the path of this demon possessed more money now she's over here five feet away and then I turn to the next picture and I could have cried beloved i could have went with all my heart because standing right down in front of remember i told you i look up to that section second but in that picture stands the most beautiful peaceful woman that you ever saw I look back at the other pictures it's the same woman the same wild hairdo the same blouse the same skirt but with a piece of God and the love of God on her face as she was looking up at me now you don't hear anything I shared that story in dallas after we came back from Brazil and the man who did are videotaping character he said francis i guess i never did see you did I after that I. Said no he said you know what happened he said I talk to her afterwards she said she was the most beautiful woman that you ever met in your entire life totally set free by the power of God do you see why i believe in the power that's in the name of Jesus if i had not believed as strongly as i do i would have run as fast as I could on that day but I stood my ground and God is faithful if you will just stand your ground and you will just be me that God is faithful and that the name of Jesus is above every other name but he also else I. Believe the devil knows i believe the devil knows whether or not you actually believe that you see as I stood there on willing to back down and risking possibly even my life because of that demon possessed possessed woman would have gotten a holy she got clobbered me in nothing flat but you see I stood there on willing to believe that the devil had more power than there is in the name of Jesus I hope you'll take that story to heart and that you'll remember whenever you're standing in front of some disease there is no disease that's as big and as powerful as the name of Jesus well God wants to use you in exactly the same way you see Charles and I are no different than you were really common ordinary everyday miracle working people just like you the only thing it maybe makes a little bit of difference between us for you is the fact that we use that power of God all the time wherever we go wherever we go we minister heating because jesus said if you don't believe me because of the words I say the words that come out of my mouth then believe me because of the miracles that you see me do and you know a miracle is worth a million words you know I want to tell you just one last whole story that that I think well we'll show you what a miracle will do and this is why God it's called this hour and this day and this time to be the day of the signs and the ones you as I often say y here preacher stalkers often and they also don't follow signs and wonders and i always say i don't qualify the wonders they follow me and they should follow every believer because that's what the Word of God says that signs and wonders and miracles will follow every believer and I want them to follow you i want them to just run after you every day the rest of your life if you don't think that they have an effect let me tell you this we were in Guatemala and in Guatemala we what was very interesting because we were at a catholic church on Sunday morning we were there for the mass and then of the priest said and I want you all the state for miracles because we're going to have a healing service today and you know that's really something when a Protestant is in a catholic church with a miracle service and miracles we saw and probably the greatest miracles we saw was ninety percent of the church received the baptism with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues but you see that's what God is doing today God is crossing denominational barriers like we have never seen across in our entire life it doesn't make any difference what the church is I want you to remember that God power is moving in that church we always all kinds of signs and wonders and miracles there although as I say I.

Think that impressed me the most was the fact that ninety percent of got the baptism of the holy ghost but you don't love it people are hungry all over the world I. Don't care where you go to whether it's in the United States whether it's in Russia whether it's in Poland whether it's in China whether it's in Tokyo whether it's in Brazil people are hungry hungry hungry for the power of Governor fed up with a dead religion and they want to see a living Jesus and Jesus is full of power well that same night that we had spoken to the catholic church in the morning we spoke to the assembly of god church in the evening again i was amazed these because they did not minister the baptism of the Holy Ghost so again somewhere well in this case i'll say between eighty and ninety percent of people came forward to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost and that was really exciting but can I. Tell you why they came forward for that because before we minister that we decided to show signs and wonders that we really had prayed we said God would you mind showing off would you might really showing off so that these people can actually see the miracle-working power of God so Charles had a word of knowledge and we called a we call for someone who had either a ruptured disc in the lower back or a fracture disc in the lower back or a herniated disc but we insisted that it had to be somebody in intense pain well the first when they brought up was carried up by two of the usher she had been carried into the church and then she was carried up on the stage and she had gone to the hospital because she had a ruptured disc and while she was there they gave her what this is what she said a dirty needle and they give you some kind of injection with a dirty needle and she got encephalitis and her and her fever because of the encephalitis went up extremely high and it left her with considerable other body damage as well but because of the excruciating pain in her back and she said I cannot lay I. Cannot stand i cannot sit I can't do anything they decided that they were going to look to operate on her three months later and so somebody told her about the miracles they had seen as a catholic church on sunday morning see what miracles do and so they brought her to the service that night so she was one that they called out and so she also said she had this terrible pain in the back of her neck so what we did Charles did at what we just call the leg thing that he did the pelvic thing and he commands add a new disc to form in there for that for that one that was ruptured and all of a sudden this woman looked up and she began to cry and she's feeling and she said I don't have a pain either in my lower back or in my neck because she said when the fire-god went into my back it also went into my neck and she began shaking your neck all over the place and she could think it doesn't hurt it doesn't hurt then she got up and she began to bend over and she began to do all sorts of very interesting thing thanks and she went away totally healed by the power of God but that's not the big miracle the next man that came up didn't tell us who he was he just simply said that he really wasn't a believer and he just came over to see what we were doing and he just when we called out that word technology said that was his problem and he wanted to really see if there was anything that could be done and so Charles setting down and and grew out his leg and the minute the leg grew out this man jumped up and he said say as long as you did that he said because then her at all he said it's all you did that Easter how about my eyes he was wearing these real thick what we call bottle glass glasses deal with that people wear when they have extremely bad eyesight well that's the kind of glasses that he was wearing the Blessed Charles he's got a lot more courage than I have she's come more bold and I've although most people think God wants to have the real boulders but i really believe Gerald a lot more than actually like to think like this two fingers and then he said in Jesus name our commando little onion skin layers in your eye to begin to flow with blew up with blood and fluid actually healing to these eyes in Jesus name he had second fingers up out of the bands glasses and I had my hands on the top the man sell out under the power of God his glasses fell off and he stood up and he said I am a neuro surgeon he said you are not a doctor so you can't diagnose me but he said I'm a doctor I can diagnose myself and he said I'm here to tell you i am totally healed he said what I could not do in the medical field you have done with a supernatural power of God well you know I guess you know what have you got to say about that guy with the holy spirit but here's something else you got so turned on because of the miracle this all happen to somebody else and then happened to him that he came to our training services now remember how he had gone from from a non-believer to a spirit-filled believer and he took the training all day on monday that we had a good the training we had on Tuesday and on Tuesday night he was on the healing teams laying hands on the sick and I.

Think the thing that probably excited in the most with this he went up to a man in a wheelchair who was totally paralyzed and he said I couldn't do a thing with all my medical knowledge but he said in the spirit i can and so he laid his hands on this man and he said silver and gold have I none but such as i have i given to the in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk and the parallel rows up and walk i lecture guess what happened to the doctor he'll never be the same again and he's spreading the good news all over Guatemala remember God wants to use you that same way jesus said if you don't believe me because of the words any words can sometimes go out there they could fall on on soil it's not fertile but a miracle always fall on fertile ground remember that go preach the gospel to every creature those who believe they're baptized will be saved but those who do not believe will be condemned and then here's that wonderful promise that Jesus made for you wherever you are listening to this tape she said I promise you these signs will follow them that believe sign number one in my name they will cast out devils and whatever you ran across the devil that might frighten you just a little tiny bit remember that night that I stood the stage in Brazil and this demon presentable and came down does the name of Jesus where is the name of Jesus above every other name yes it is i stand here more convinced than I have ever been in my entire life that the name of Jesus has great power in it so when you cast out Devils remember those who believe shall use my name don't try to the other way and then he said those who believe will kit will not only cast out Devils he said they will speak with new tongues and beloved i believe that we're leaving the day and time with God wants us to speak with tongues more than we ever have in our entire life don't just want to go to church on Sunday every time a situation where time Charles I see an accident we hear a sweeping of breaks we pray in other times when we fly into a city for a heating explosion we pray in tongues because there's power in that when you don't know how to pray pray in tongues when you do the heart of great pray in tongues because there's great power there and then remember what he said remember that he said that if you drink any deadly thing it's not gonna hurt you and he said you've got power over that devil and it's time we began to quit worried about the devil and to realize that we have more power than the devil has and then the last 11 words all these are so vital to this end time message that the lord jesus christ is giving to the body of christ its not New he said at 2,000 years ago old but it just as fresh today as it was 2,000 years ago when he said all my beloved believers I want you to lay hands on the sick in my name in my name jesus said lay hands on the sick and you will see them recover that's a promise of Jesus made and Jesus cannot lie there is there has never failed one word of all of the good promises of God so when Jesus tells you that you will lay hands on the sick and they will recover beloved that's exactly what's going to happen and that's what had what's happening in these days if we see the signs and the wonders going out and we see the believers going out there and laying hands on the sick as we get stacks of mail when i got home from Guatemala I have a second email that high and you know what most of the gloves it was letters from people saying to me and I'd laid hands on this alignment then I laid hands on that one and then I. Laid hands on this one and then I laid hands on that one and they were healed a very interesting letter that i got i just received from a lady who came to our dallas heating explosion because you know the exciting thing is we but sometimes those of a thumb up on the stage never know what god does in an audience but there was a gentleman there who has them a real unbeliever but he had come to please his life because she was on a healing team so he came down on the floor just to watch and see if what she said was true you know that she could really heal the sick well she said as long as you're here why don't you get somebody to take care of your back is not and will do any good if class about come on dog will do any good no what well anyway after much argue much discussion he finally did decide that weather heating teams minister to his back and of course you know the story before i finish the man was totally healed by the power of God but here's the interesting to your Mountain Dew with that woman about the letter she said when I saw my husband healed she said my husband who doesn't believe in healing or anything else like that she said I was instantly delivered of cigarettes she said I tried so hard to quip and she said i knew i wanted to because i knew i was in rebellion against God like a low-key but she said I could ever quick but when I saw my husband healed then I. Knew that God's power with for me too and she said i have not had a cigarette from then well whatever your miracle believe God for it right now in that name that's above every other name say it with me.

11- (.)

10 Of The BEST HEADPHONES Under $100


Hey YouTube, Jim here! Welcome to Top10Archive! As a voiceover artist, I quickly learned the
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more money than I care to admit, I finally narrowed down my choices and it wasn't
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any of these ten headphones may work best to keep whatever it is youre listening
to privately. Dont go shopping just yet! Be sure to hit that subscribe button and click
the bell for notifications on future Archives! Now, are you ready to spend hours shopping
on Amazon after this video? Good! 10.

Koss UR40 Collapsible Headphones
Not every functional headphone needs to have a host of features to make them worth it. Take the Koss UR40 collapsible headphones,
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a great sound quality, and though they may not have noise cancellation, the ear cups
conform nicely to the listeners ears, ensuring minimal outside noise penetrates and ruins
the listening experience. 9.

Mpow Bluetooth Headphones
Mpows wireless headset may look a little clunky, but that doesnt affect its functionality
at all. Easy-to-use controls for audio, video, and
phone calls are accessible on the side of one earpiece, making it easy to pause and
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Bluetooth headset folds into a compact size.

8. Vomach Active Bluetooth
Wireless and compact, the Oucomis Vomach over-ear headphones may be a little on the
basic side, but they have everything one would need for a pleasing audio experience. Noise cancellation helps to reduce surrounding
noises up to 20dB while the built-in Bluetooth 4.1 Allows for a quick, easy, and stable audio
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Vomercy Stereo Headphones
If you can get past the awkward design, youll have yourself a very functional and simplistic
set of headphones, courtesy of Vomercy. These lightweight over-ear headphones have
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is tackled perfectly. The soft earmuffs and padded headband promise
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Sony MDR7506
If youre attracted to namebrands, then you can go for the Sony MDR7506 and their
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5. Monoprice 108323
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Though theyre not wireless, the cable is
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So, theyre not the most attractive set of headphones, but AUSDOMs wireless Bluetooth
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The earmuffs are rather large, lending both
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2. TaoTronics Bluetooth Headphones
I chose a lot of over-ear headphones because they tend to be most comfortable, but TaoTronics
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Connected together by one sturdy wire, its
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Whats most important to you in your headphone selection? Comfort? Style? Cancellation of unwanted noises? If you said yes to all three, then the
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them to be.

Thanks for watching! There are links for each of these headphones
in the description. If you liked what you watched, be sure to
give it a thumbs up and comment with your thoughts or your suggestion for an inexpensive
headphone set. Remember to subscribe to the channel and,
if you still have the shopping bug, here are two more videos to watch!.

10 Of The BEST HEADPHONES Under $100

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