- (Lapping microphone)
- Ewww, hell no! (Drill whirring)
- My teeth hurt and I don't know why! (Industrial intro) - (FBE) Today, we're doing
a Try Not To challenge. - Oh, no. Have
I already failed? Try Not to Breathe challenge. - (FBE) It's a challenge we've done
once with the college kids, but they didn't really enjoy it.
- Well, now I don't like that preface.
I like enjoying things. That's one of my
favorite things to do. - (FBE) It's a Try Not to Take off
Your Headphones challenge. - Ugh, god! It's a good thing I'm partly deaf.
- (FBE) If you take your headphones
off at any point, you're out for that video,
but you're brought back for the next one. You can't pull the headphones
away from your ears, slide one off,
or adjust the headphones at all during the video.
- Okay, so if I touch them, I'm out. - These things are a weapon now. - It's already making me
I'm the one that usually makes
other people uncomfortable. - (SpongeBob) So, yeah, I'm a kid,
and I'm also a goofball and a wing nut--
- Come on, SpongeBob! - Why would anyone
take their headphones off for this? - What is going to go
wrong with SpongeBob? - (Parroting) "I'm... I'm..."
- (Pirate) What the scallop?! - (Spongebob, loudly)
I'M A GOOFY GOOBER. - Oh, my god.
- (SpongeBob) I'M A GOOFY GOOBER. (Blaring rock music)
- That's loud! (Blaring rock music)
- That doesn't count. I was rocking.
That does not count! That does not count!
(Buzzer) - This is not hurting me at all.
Am I deaf? (Blaring rock music) - Goofy, Goofy, Goofy Goober
- (laughing) That was easy. Come on! - I can deal with that one.
SpongeBob's the best.
- That sounds like a lot of things
I've listened to voluntarily. I blew my head off
listening to punk bands as a young lady. - I was not bothered by that at all,
not even a tiny bit. Oh, my god! I'm going
to the doctor.
- (Lapping microphone) - Ewwww, hell no! - What is he doing?! - No. No. - Ew. - That's [bleep] gross.
- (Licking sloppily)
- Okay, uh-uh. Ugh.
(Buzzer) - Why are you doing those eyes, man? - (Huskily whispering gibberish)
- (laughing) - Who is this man?
Why does he do this? - That one was really annoying. - It wasn't pleasant.
It reminded me of my dog.
- No, thank you. It was just goosebumps down my spine. (Drill whirring)
- Oh, no! - Oh, no! - I hate the dentist so much! - ARGH, I HATE IT!
My teeth are so [bleep] up. - Nuh-uh-uh.
Arghhhhh. No, thank you!
(Buzzer) - (laughing uncomfortably) (drill whirring) - Oh, okay. You start
feeling it in your teeth. (Buzzer) - My teeth hurt and I don't know why! - This is actually pleasing.
I feel someone's getting clean. - I hate the dentist.
I HATE it. - I'm scared of dentists.
That's my worst nightmare.
- That noise is very,
very, very upsetting. - You hear it, but then you hear it
grinding in something else, and that's the part
you're like, "Aaaah!" I feel like it's just like
that tingling in your teeth. (Cracking bones) - Oh, that is very satisfying, actually. - Oh, yeah, that feels good.
- I could do yoga to this. (Cracking knuckles) - My friend likes
to watch these videos. - (Groaning) I love that sound. Oh, god, it's so awful
to watch, though.
- Oh, my god.
How long is this video? - (Chiropractor) A quick little bump.
(Cracking bone) - Oh! (Bones cracking) - (chiropractor) Good girl.
(Bone cracking) - OH! I'm like, "Is she dead?!" - I ask my boyfriend to crack
my back like that every night. - I love being able to do that.
Are you kidding me? It's so satisfying. - A few of those were kind of brutal,
like, really crack-a-lacking.
- (Yodeling) (blaring yodel) - Oh, god. - Poor yodel kid. - This is nothing like the trap remix. (Yodeling continues) - Yeah, I just don't want to listen.
(Buzzer) (yodeling continues) - I'm not gonna
put myself through that.
(Buzzer) (yodeling continues) - Yeah, it's easy. (Laughing) - (FBE) You lost!
- I don't think so-- - (FBE) Because
you muted the computer. - Hold on, you didn't say
that I couldn't. You said don't take off
your headphones.
- (FBE) And you
can't mute the computer! (Buzzer) - I can't believe he performed
at the Grand Ole Opry and Coachella. (Yodeling continues) - Okay, well, that's just obnoxious. - That was probably the worst
in terms of physical pain, where it's like I don't
want to be here anymore. - I have to go through
so much as a teacher and ignore so much.
I think at that, I have
a little leg up on the competition. (Cat hacking) - What is happening? - Oh, he has a hairball. My cat did this this morning! - (Groaning) - (groaning) - Oh, my god! (Gasping)
That is so gross! Can I just be out?
Like, I'm-- yeah. Nope.
(Buzzer) - I don't like these at all. Okay, no. Oh, I failed!
(Buzzer) (cat hacking)
- Oh, it's doing it again? - Gross, man! (Cat hacking)
- Oh, that's so sad! Awww. - I understand why the college kids
didn't like doing it.
- I have cats and friends
that throw up a lot, so either end
of the spectrum, I'm fine. - I feel nauseous after that one. - The sound of it,
it makes my stomach feel weird. - Cats throwing up, I mean,
I'm very amused by that because screw cats.
I hate cats.
(Gunfire) (cocking rifle) (scraping fork against plate)
- (gasping) I hate that sound! - Nope. No way!
(Buzzer) - That's the one thing. That's the one thing I can't do.
(Buzzer) - Oh, yeah. - All right, this doesn't bother me.
- I always do that
to bother my brother. He hates it. - A-ha, I'm fine.
I don't even care. - Also, I'm not the guy that-- oh.
(Scraping continues) Maybe it's the long
one that's bad.
- That's a tough one.
It's always just not pleasant. - I live with people
that don't necessarily care about the scraping fork,
but it is a problem for me. - I'm holding it together. - Keep coming because
I'm not gonna lose this challenge.
(Smacking lips) - Is this supposed to be ASMR? - (Gagging) So gross! - (Woman) Love you.
- (Chuckling) - (woman) Kisses.
- Oh, no! She made it weird. - (Woman) Kisses.
- No. I did not ask for this. - Like, what's wrong with you?! (Smacking lips)
- Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! - How uncomfortable
would it be to film this? - I'm fairly certain people
would pay money for this video.
- Ugh! That was so uncomfortable. - No. No kisses.
That was gross. - (Whispering) Kisses, kisses.
Like, I was not asking for this. - Why is she recording that? That's for somebody with a fetish. - (FBE) You didn't
lose at all. You won.
- YEAH! (Grunting) I'd do it again just to see
if you can get me to rip off my headphones. - Yeah. I don't know. I just don't get bothered.
- That was easy. If I know it's only going to be
for a short amount of time, I can get through it. - Oh, my god!
That was a challenge? I can see how people
might get grossed out, just by the sound of vomiting,
but if that was a human being vomiting and gagging,
I would probably want to rip off the headphones, too,
but when it's a cat, I mean, it's just so cute.
You just want to take care of it. - The different feeling
you don't get all the time, so-- yeah, I'd definitely do it again.
I like horror movies. I like things that
make me uncomfortable, so I'm still going home
happy and satisfied. - I want to win. I loved these episodes
because I really want to win.
I want to win the Try Not to Laugh. I want to win the Try Not to Cry.
I want to win all these. It's just so hard because you guys
choose such good videos. - Thanks for watching
this episode of Adults React.
Shout-out to Berna N. - Want to see more Try Not To's?
Hit the subscribe button. Shout-out to AJ The Gamer. - What should we react to next?
Let us know in the comments.
- Bye, guys! - Hi, guys, JC here,
a producer here at FBE. Thanks so much for watching
this episode of Adults React. Make sure to check us
out on Instagram at FBE. To get more of the reactors
and more staff.
The links are down below. Bye, guys..
- Ewww, hell no! (Drill whirring)
- My teeth hurt and I don't know why! (Industrial intro) - (FBE) Today, we're doing
a Try Not To challenge. - Oh, no. Have
I already failed? Try Not to Breathe challenge. - (FBE) It's a challenge we've done
once with the college kids, but they didn't really enjoy it.
- Well, now I don't like that preface.
I like enjoying things. That's one of my
favorite things to do. - (FBE) It's a Try Not to Take off
Your Headphones challenge. - Ugh, god! It's a good thing I'm partly deaf.
- (FBE) If you take your headphones
off at any point, you're out for that video,
but you're brought back for the next one. You can't pull the headphones
away from your ears, slide one off,
or adjust the headphones at all during the video.
- Okay, so if I touch them, I'm out. - These things are a weapon now. - It's already making me
I'm the one that usually makes
other people uncomfortable. - (SpongeBob) So, yeah, I'm a kid,
and I'm also a goofball and a wing nut--
- Come on, SpongeBob! - Why would anyone
take their headphones off for this? - What is going to go
wrong with SpongeBob? - (Parroting) "I'm... I'm..."
- (Pirate) What the scallop?! - (Spongebob, loudly)
I'M A GOOFY GOOBER. - Oh, my god.
- (SpongeBob) I'M A GOOFY GOOBER. (Blaring rock music)
- That's loud! (Blaring rock music)
- That doesn't count. I was rocking.
That does not count! That does not count!
(Buzzer) - This is not hurting me at all.
Am I deaf? (Blaring rock music) - Goofy, Goofy, Goofy Goober
- (laughing) That was easy. Come on! - I can deal with that one.
SpongeBob's the best.
- That sounds like a lot of things
I've listened to voluntarily. I blew my head off
listening to punk bands as a young lady. - I was not bothered by that at all,
not even a tiny bit. Oh, my god! I'm going
to the doctor.
- (Lapping microphone) - Ewwww, hell no! - What is he doing?! - No. No. - Ew. - That's [bleep] gross.
- (Licking sloppily)
- Okay, uh-uh. Ugh.
(Buzzer) - Why are you doing those eyes, man? - (Huskily whispering gibberish)
- (laughing) - Who is this man?
Why does he do this? - That one was really annoying. - It wasn't pleasant.
It reminded me of my dog.
- No, thank you. It was just goosebumps down my spine. (Drill whirring)
- Oh, no! - Oh, no! - I hate the dentist so much! - ARGH, I HATE IT!
My teeth are so [bleep] up. - Nuh-uh-uh.
Arghhhhh. No, thank you!
(Buzzer) - (laughing uncomfortably) (drill whirring) - Oh, okay. You start
feeling it in your teeth. (Buzzer) - My teeth hurt and I don't know why! - This is actually pleasing.
I feel someone's getting clean. - I hate the dentist.
I HATE it. - I'm scared of dentists.
That's my worst nightmare.
- That noise is very,
very, very upsetting. - You hear it, but then you hear it
grinding in something else, and that's the part
you're like, "Aaaah!" I feel like it's just like
that tingling in your teeth. (Cracking bones) - Oh, that is very satisfying, actually. - Oh, yeah, that feels good.
- I could do yoga to this. (Cracking knuckles) - My friend likes
to watch these videos. - (Groaning) I love that sound. Oh, god, it's so awful
to watch, though.
- Oh, my god.
How long is this video? - (Chiropractor) A quick little bump.
(Cracking bone) - Oh! (Bones cracking) - (chiropractor) Good girl.
(Bone cracking) - OH! I'm like, "Is she dead?!" - I ask my boyfriend to crack
my back like that every night. - I love being able to do that.
Are you kidding me? It's so satisfying. - A few of those were kind of brutal,
like, really crack-a-lacking.
- (Yodeling) (blaring yodel) - Oh, god. - Poor yodel kid. - This is nothing like the trap remix. (Yodeling continues) - Yeah, I just don't want to listen.
(Buzzer) (yodeling continues) - I'm not gonna
put myself through that.
(Buzzer) (yodeling continues) - Yeah, it's easy. (Laughing) - (FBE) You lost!
- I don't think so-- - (FBE) Because
you muted the computer. - Hold on, you didn't say
that I couldn't. You said don't take off
your headphones.
- (FBE) And you
can't mute the computer! (Buzzer) - I can't believe he performed
at the Grand Ole Opry and Coachella. (Yodeling continues) - Okay, well, that's just obnoxious. - That was probably the worst
in terms of physical pain, where it's like I don't
want to be here anymore. - I have to go through
so much as a teacher and ignore so much.
I think at that, I have
a little leg up on the competition. (Cat hacking) - What is happening? - Oh, he has a hairball. My cat did this this morning! - (Groaning) - (groaning) - Oh, my god! (Gasping)
That is so gross! Can I just be out?
Like, I'm-- yeah. Nope.
(Buzzer) - I don't like these at all. Okay, no. Oh, I failed!
(Buzzer) (cat hacking)
- Oh, it's doing it again? - Gross, man! (Cat hacking)
- Oh, that's so sad! Awww. - I understand why the college kids
didn't like doing it.
- I have cats and friends
that throw up a lot, so either end
of the spectrum, I'm fine. - I feel nauseous after that one. - The sound of it,
it makes my stomach feel weird. - Cats throwing up, I mean,
I'm very amused by that because screw cats.
I hate cats.
(Gunfire) (cocking rifle) (scraping fork against plate)
- (gasping) I hate that sound! - Nope. No way!
(Buzzer) - That's the one thing. That's the one thing I can't do.
(Buzzer) - Oh, yeah. - All right, this doesn't bother me.
- I always do that
to bother my brother. He hates it. - A-ha, I'm fine.
I don't even care. - Also, I'm not the guy that-- oh.
(Scraping continues) Maybe it's the long
one that's bad.
- That's a tough one.
It's always just not pleasant. - I live with people
that don't necessarily care about the scraping fork,
but it is a problem for me. - I'm holding it together. - Keep coming because
I'm not gonna lose this challenge.
(Smacking lips) - Is this supposed to be ASMR? - (Gagging) So gross! - (Woman) Love you.
- (Chuckling) - (woman) Kisses.
- Oh, no! She made it weird. - (Woman) Kisses.
- No. I did not ask for this. - Like, what's wrong with you?! (Smacking lips)
- Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! - How uncomfortable
would it be to film this? - I'm fairly certain people
would pay money for this video.
- Ugh! That was so uncomfortable. - No. No kisses.
That was gross. - (Whispering) Kisses, kisses.
Like, I was not asking for this. - Why is she recording that? That's for somebody with a fetish. - (FBE) You didn't
lose at all. You won.
- YEAH! (Grunting) I'd do it again just to see
if you can get me to rip off my headphones. - Yeah. I don't know. I just don't get bothered.
- That was easy. If I know it's only going to be
for a short amount of time, I can get through it. - Oh, my god!
That was a challenge? I can see how people
might get grossed out, just by the sound of vomiting,
but if that was a human being vomiting and gagging,
I would probably want to rip off the headphones, too,
but when it's a cat, I mean, it's just so cute.
You just want to take care of it. - The different feeling
you don't get all the time, so-- yeah, I'd definitely do it again.
I like horror movies. I like things that
make me uncomfortable, so I'm still going home
happy and satisfied. - I want to win. I loved these episodes
because I really want to win.
I want to win the Try Not to Laugh. I want to win the Try Not to Cry.
I want to win all these. It's just so hard because you guys
choose such good videos. - Thanks for watching
this episode of Adults React.
Shout-out to Berna N. - Want to see more Try Not To's?
Hit the subscribe button. Shout-out to AJ The Gamer. - What should we react to next?
Let us know in the comments.
- Bye, guys! - Hi, guys, JC here,
a producer here at FBE. Thanks so much for watching
this episode of Adults React. Make sure to check us
out on Instagram at FBE. To get more of the reactors
and more staff.
The links are down below. Bye, guys..

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