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The hourglass on a BlackBerry is a dreaded sight, as it indicates that your phone is not responding. You may see an hourglass because an application overwhelmed the available memory on your device, or because of an application glitch. If you repeatedly see the hourglass when using the same application, remove it or check for an application update. The hourglass will also reappear in older software after an IT policy update.Related Searches: Updated IT PolicyCorporate emails are delivered to a BlackBerry device using the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. When your company's IT department updates an existing policy, BlackBerrys with software version 4.1 may continue to receive a message about the update every five minutes. Each time the update message is received, an hourglass will appear on the BlackBerry screen. This issue can be resolved by updating to a newer version of the software, as versions 5.0 or later do not experience this glitch.
ApplicationsLike any cellphone, a BlackBerry device has an internal hard drive. If a large BlackBerry application overwhelms the phone, or the available flash memory is low, it may freeze. The hourglass icon is used to indicate a hard drive problem, much like a spinning wheel indicates an unresponsive hard drive on a Mac or PC computer.
Hard ResetIf your BlackBerry is stuck on the hourglass icon for more than a few minutes, the phone will not reboot until you manually force it to do so. The first thing to try when your BlackBerry is frozen with the hourglass icon is a hard reset. To perform a hard reset, remove the battery from your BlackBerry and then reinsert it after a few seconds. The device should reboot as usual.
Clean ReloadA clean reload should only be completed when a hard reset does not fix the hourglass problem. To perform a clean reload, connect your BlackBerry to your computer and open BlackBerry Desktop Software. After going to the "Device" menu, choose "Update" and go to "View Other Versions" in the bottom left corner of the screen. Choose your current software update and click "Update." When prompted, select any update options and then click "Install." Your software will be reloaded to the device and wipe out the hourglass.
ReferencesBlackBerry: The Hourglass or Clock Symbol Spins Continuously on The BlackBerry SmartphoneBlackBerry: An Updated IT Policy is Repeatedly Sent Every 5 Minutes From the BlackBerry Enterprise Server to BlackBerry Smartphone UsersBlackBerry: How to Perform a Clean Reload of the BlackBerry Device Software for WindowsPhoto Credit Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty ImagesRead Next: Print this articleCommentsFollow eHowFollowView the Original article
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